The Mirror Sun

An Inside Look Into the Extravagant Life of Dorian Gray
- Featuring Lord Henry Watton

Written by Alex Randall

How did you come to meet and become friends with the late Dorian Gray?
Well, I was originally friends with Basil when he started painting Dorian's portrait. Something in his beautiful features just captured my attention and I guess I developed a strange interest in him. After talking to Basil about Dorian that one day, he lead me to meet him after I pleaded my case. From there is history.

How would you describe Mr. Gray to people who didn't know him?
Dorian was a fascinating being. His beauty was beyond him and he was naive in that sense. Just the way he carried himself was truly interesting and captivating. It was only after meeting me did he finally start to realize the value of his youth, and I believe it changed him for the better.

What are your feelings on the questionable death of Mr. Gray?
It is truly tragic. I lost a dear friend, someone who understood me on a deeper level, though the manner of his death is quite peculiar. I guess I am just devastated and lonely now without my dear Dorian and Basil, who seems to be missing.

Do you know Basil Hallward? If so, how would you describe his relationship with Mr. Gray as an outsider?
Of course! Basil was my friend before I even met Dorian. I'd say he had a pretty good relationship with Dorian considering the masterpiece that came from their relationship, though one never will know what they really thought.

What are some of the qualities people would use to describe you?
I've been told that I'm eye-opening and inspiring by many of my close friends, though I describe myself as more of a carefree soul "going with the flow".